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What Is SFTP & It's Limitations in Secure Data Transfer

For a long period of time, Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) was considered a go-to solution for securely transferring data. Despite its widespread use, SFTP is showing its age and is increasingly being challenged by modern data transfer needs.  In this article, we will be talking about the for main

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Request files – The HOWs

How do you request files? Here’s a step-by-step guide.  1- To create a new file request, go to “File Requests” in your Drive account 2- Click the "+ New File Request" button. 3-  Adjust your settings, then generate a secure link. For enhanced security, consider enabling two-factor authentication

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What Is a Business Password Manager and Why Do You Need It?

Nearly everyone online has some kind of a method for managing their passwords, whether it’s using variations of a familiar phrase or saving them in their browser. While these simple approaches might seem to work, they are often not the most secure options. You will most likely find yourself

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Introducing Blockchain-integrated TransferChain Web Access

Last week, we launched a new feature that many of our users have requested: TransferChain Web We have created the safest way to access your files directly from a browser. On top of that, you can now start using TransferChain without having to install an app. This not only improved

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Will ChatGPT Take Our Jobs or Our Privacy?

Let's start by stating what we will say at the end: No, this blog was not written with ChatGPT. And again, no, artificial intelligence will not take away everyone's jobs. Since ChatGPT has become popular, users have been expressing concerns about their professions in this and

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Privacy and Security can Coexist

From the moment we are born, security becomes a basic need and is followed by privacy when we start becoming individuals. We want to store our personal information, dialogs, and memories securely and we rely on familiar solutions that we believe to be secure to do so. What we read

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Decentralization Ensures Privacy and Security

Centralized Structures Managed by a central authority, these structures operate according to the rules that are set by that authority. Numerous central structures are ingrained in our traditional, everyday lives including databases, health systems, financial systems, and fintech technologies. For instance, central banks in many countries function as central authorities