Why do businesses consider TransferChain Send over WeTransfer?

Why do businesses consider TransferChain Send over WeTransfer?

Does not have end-to-end encryption, utilizes server-side encryption, stores your files in a centralized server, displays ads next to your files, and your data is sent to tracking companies by WeTransfer.

Mert Baser

In a typical day scenario, you have a file that you need to send. Naturally, email is an accustomed choice, however, it's sensitive or it's a large file and you are aware that nothing sent by email is completely secure. So what other options do you have?

Let’s compare TransferChain Send to WeTransfer:


➖️ Does not have end-to-end encryption. As a result, rogue staff, authorities, or hackers (in the event of a data breach) can access your files.
➖️ Utilizes server-side encryption, meaning has the keys to unlock your files.
➖️ Stores your files in a centralized server, leaving your precious data at risk for single-point of failures.
➖️ Displays ads next to your files, which comes with all the obnoxious tracking and security risks associated with third-party JavaScript.
➖️ Your data is sent to tracking companies by WeTransfer. They connect to websites such as googletagmanager.com, amazon-adsystem.com, facebook.net, and others.
➖ Uses cookies, associating specific visits or journeys with you and your personal data
➖ Due to server-side keys WeTransfer is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and network sniffers
➖ Only has additional password protection for paid plans

TransferChain Send

➕ TransferChain uses client-side & end-to-end encryption by default, thus any file you send over TransferChain is invisible to everyone but you and the intended recipients - at any given time.
➕ Your encryption key never leaves your client's device.
➕ Your encrypted data gets split into multiple chunks before it leaves your client device, and those chunks are then uploaded to a distributed cloud - eliminating a single point of failure risk.
➕ No advertisements, no trackers, no cookies.
➕ Due to the nature of client-side encryption and file sharding TransferChain is protected against man-in-the-middle attacks

Data is one of our most valuable assets today, and it’s never too late to start protecting your privacy. So head to send.transferchain.io whenever you need to start securing your data.

TransferChain Send

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