New at TransferChain - May 2024

New at TransferChain - May 2024

Esra Turan

πŸ’‘ See the latest Product Updates:
Read on to discover all the new product updates from May. From new features to new performance improvements, we shipped a handful of new capabilities for all of our users πŸš€


  • New notification indicators - when new files are added to the Spaces: Users now will see a 'blue bubble' indicator in the 'Space' cards when someone uploads a file in those spaces.
  • File Type Compatibility Expansion: TransferChain Drive had a major upgrade in its file compatibility, users can now also upload all of the uncommon file types, such as DXF, BSV, DWG, and more.
  • Fresh Look:  We've revamped our Transferchain homepage! Visit the new homepage here.
  • NEW PRODUCT! Password Manager (Coming Soon):  We're soon going to launch our new product, TransferChain Pass. You can head to our Waitlist and signup to be the first to know when it launches. Considering there have been multiple major data breaches in the password manager industry, we are excited to bring them to an end πŸ”’
  • TransferChain Send - Login Synchronization: When moving across different products, such as Drive & Send, the user's login state is sustained - providing a seamless transition.
  • Expiration Date Options for TransferChain Send: We have added 15 and 30-day expiration date options for our B2B users.
  • Transfer Upload Increase: The transfer upload limit for Enterprise users has been increased to 10 GB.
  • UX & UI Improvements: We’ve made several enhancements to our user experience and interface, making our platform more intuitive and user-friendly.

πŸ” We’re always looking to make your experience of using TransferChain better and more secure.

πŸ₯³ We’ll keep you updated as we ship more improvements. The following Monthly Update for June will arrive at the beginning of July 2024.

πŸ“‹πŸ–πŸ» For any questions, as always, reach out to our Customer Support. You can also drop us a line on Twitter or Discord. And if you’re new to TransferChain, you can try it for free today or request a demo to get started.